about us
Restaurant Jun is a modern and cozy Indonesian restaurant in Amsterdam near the Hugo de Grootplein and the Jordaan. We offer you not only a delicious dinner, but also Indonesian hospitality, friendliness and conviviality.
Chef is Edy Junaedy. He learned the trade at hospitality school in Indonesia and gained experience in Europe. His dream was his own Indonesian restaurant in Amsterdam.
In August 2013, he was able to realize this dream and started Restaurant Jun Indonesian Cuisine. His partner Jan assists him in service and administration.

Edy Junaedy: My whole team in the kitchen is from Indonesia. We prepare authentic dishes from various Indonesian islands, as well as new dishes inspired by Indonesian cuisine. We cook with fresh ingredients and all our sauces, booms and sambals are homemade.
On our menu, which we renew every three months, there are some classics like the soto ayam and the rendang, but we also serve special Indonesian dishes that are not everywhere on the menu. We cook medium spicy, but with our sambal pedas you can make the dishes as hot as you like.
our kitchen team
Maecenas dictum at tristique rhoncus nec. Pellentesque bibendum quam acnibh dui facilisis ut viverra neque habitant blandit.

Germaine Bins
Head Chef
Molestiae quis sed ex iusto sit cupiditate facilis tempora omnis. Nobis ut quia minima aperiam delectus consequatur officiis

Gaston Wyman
co-fouder & manager
Neque placeat et reiciendis beatae perspiciatis accusantium aut ut qui. Doloribus aut porro iure. Sapiente sequi labore no

Nia Kertzmann
Deleniti vitae qui dolor maiores omnis excepturi. Doloremque dolorem quidem cum. Hic aut et alia