
Here you can quickly and easily find all the information you need to contact us. Whether you have questions about our menu, special requests, or just want to send us a message, we would love to hear from you.


restaurant jun

Frederik Hendrikstraat 98
1052 HZ Amsterdam
T +31 20 785 9185

IBAN: NL46 INGB 0008 8527 70
VAT id: NL002421911B35

frequently asked questions

What are Restaurant Jun's opening hours?

Restaurant Jun is open Wednesday through Sunday, from 5:30 to 9:30 pm. Private dinners are also available on these days. For those who prefer to enjoy our dishes at home, we offer take-out service from 16:00 to 21:00. We look forward to welcoming you to our restaurant or preparing a meal for you to take away!

Is the restaurant easily accessible by public transportation?

Yes, our restaurant is very well accessible by public transportation. If traveling from Amsterdam, you can take GVB lines 3, 5, 18, 21, and for regional transport, line 80 is available. For those coming from Central Station, bus 18 is the best option. This makes it easy for everyone to visit us, no matter where you are coming from.

Is there parking available at Restaurant Jun?

Yes, parking is available at Restaurant Jun. You can park on the street and nearby. Please note that this is paid parking. We advise you to check local parking rules and rates.

Does Restaurant Jun have a wheelchair-accessible entrance and facilities?

Yes, Restaurant Jun's entrance and restrooms are easily accessible for wheelchairs. If you let us know you are coming with a wheelchair, we can give you a spacious seat.

Is a reservation at Restaurant Jun necessary? And how can I make reservations?

Reservations are not required at Restaurant Jun, but we do recommend it to avoid running out of room for you. You can easily make a reservation for 1 to 6 people on our reservation page. For more people, you can request a group reservation.

Does Restaurant Jun also offer group reservations?

Yes, group reservations are possible. We require a deposit of 20 euros per person. On our reservations page you can request a reservation for a group of 7 or more people. We will process your request as soon as possible and let you know if tables are available.

What options are available for guests with allergies at Restaurant Jun?

Restaurant Jun has a clear list of the allergens in our dishes. You can find it in the Downloads. With this you can easily choose dishes that do not contain these allergens. We are happy to help you compile your menu.

Does Restaurant Jun also have vegetarian or vegan options on the menu?

Yes, Restaurant Jun has a vegetarian rice table and with the menus you can also choose various vegatarian dishes. So vegetarians can also enjoy a delicious Indonesian meal. There are also various options for vegans.

Does Restaurant Jun also offer takeout or delivery options?

Restaurant Jun also offers takeaway meals between 16:00 and 21:00. If you call in advance to +31 20 7859185 and place your order, it will be ready for you at the desired time and you won't have to wait. The restaurant does not have delivery options.

Does Restaurant Jun also offer catering services for events or parties?

No, Restaurant Jun does not offer catering services.

Is my dog allowed in the restaurant?

Unfortunately, this is not allowed due to our open kitchen. Assistance dogs are of course allowed inside.